Student Handbook
- Wayne Township Mission Statement
- Chapelwood Motto
- Chapelwood CHAMPS" Creed
- Welcome
- Absences
- Breakfast and Lunch
- Bus Safety Rules
- Here Comes the Bus
- Car Rider Safety Rules
- Change of Address/Phone
- Classroom Visitations
- Clinic and Medication
- Illness and Injury
- Immunization Records
- Medications
- Bed Bugs
- Head Lice
- Communication
- Computers
- Conferences
- Discipline/Student Expectations
- Anti-Bullying
- Early Dismissal
- Emergency School Closings
- Enrollment/Withdrawal
- Field Trips
- Fire/Tornado Drills
- Food to School
- Grading Scale
- Homework
- Homework Help Ideas
- Honor Roll
- Instructional Program
- Money to School
- Parking
- Prohibited Items
- Wireless Communication Device Guidance
- Report Cards/Midterms
- School Hours
- Tardiness
- Perfect Attendance
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Dress Guidelines
- Student Teachers
- Telephone
- Textbooks
- Vandalism and Property Damage
Wayne Township Mission Statement
Chapelwood Motto
Chapelwood CHAMPS" Creed
Dear Chapelwood Families:
On behalf of the staff, we welcome you to another great year at Chapelwood Elementary School. Your family is part of the Chapelwood Family. This partnership of dedicated teachers, involved caregivers, active community, and students who are serious about learning will work together to make Chapelwood an even better place to learn.
We know that for students to be successful, families and teachers must have common goals for the children, and we must work together to achieve those goals. We want to create a positive, safe, structured school environment and an instructional program that will enable each student to maximize their potential as a lifelong learner. For us to be successful, we need your cooperation and support. It is important that you establish clear lines of communication with your child’s teacher. He or she is crucial in ensuring success for your child this school year. Take time to familiarize yourself with school procedures and know what the expectations are in your child’s classroom. If problems should arise, please contact the teacher and work cooperatively toward a resolution that is beneficial for the student.
If at any time a situation cannot be resolved, please feel free to contact Mrs. Alexander-Mathews or Mrs. Brown. We are available to every student and caregiver, but the teacher is the most reliable source of information concerning your child’s academic achievement and social-emotional well-being. Our home school liaison, Michelle Stohler and Cummins Behavioral staff are also available to our families and students for support. The most important emphasis is the well-being and academic success of your child. Together, we can and will make a difference in your child’s education.
This handbook has been prepared to help answer any questions students and families may have concerning the activities, procedures, and guidelines for the successful daily operation of Chapelwood Elementary. We urge you to support our school, teachers, and programs. Your positive attitude and support make the difference.
Terri Alexander-Mathews, Principal
Angela Brown, Assistant Principal
Attendance is critical to the success of your child in school. Chapelwood is focused on improving attendance as a school. All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill. Chapelwood and the State of Indiana recognize legal and excused absences only due to the illness of the child, death in the immediate family, or subpoena of the student to court. When it is necessary for your child to miss school, please follow the procedures below:
- Absences are only counted excused with a physician’s statement.
- Phone the attendance line at 988-6450 by 9:00 am.
- If homework is desired, please leave a request before 12:00 p.m.
- Send a note with your child when he/she returns to school.
- School personnel may contact your home if a report of absence has not been made.
- A tardy student must check in at the office when he/she arrives with an ADULT. Tardies begin after 7:30 a.m.
- Excessive tardies to school, could result in a DCS report to be filed.
- It is a Chapelwood and Wayne Township policy to automatically issue letters to caregivers when students have reached the following status for the school year:
- After 3 days absent or tardy; after 5 days absent or tardy; and after 9 days absent or tardy. A medical notice needs to be sent to school after 5 days absent or tardy.
- After 10 days absent, with no medical notice, the attendance matter will be turned over to the Marion County Prosecutor. If the absences continue you will be referred to the Marion County Juvenile Court for Failure to Ensure. You will be required to appear before a judge.
We encourage you to schedule your child’s doctor and dental appointments outside of school hours. Please do not keep your child out of school for a full day for a doctor’s appointment unless absolutely necessary. If an appointment is to take place during school hours, it is necessary for you to visit the office to sign out your child. For the safety of your child, school personnel will not release a child to anyone not listed on the enrollment form without your permission and they must provide a valid form of identification.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are served daily. All Chapelwood students will receive breakfast and lunch daily at no charge. When bringing lunch from home, please remember to NOT include canned soft drinks, glass containers, and excessive amounts of candy. Students who are brought a fast food lunch will be asked to eat in an alternate placement. We do not allow fast food in the cafeteria. Please remind your child that they are not to share their lunch with others. Staff are not able to microwave food items for students. Any questions about your child’s account should be directed to Kelly Jarnigan, Cafeteria Manager, at 988-6487.
Bus Safety Rules
The Director of Transportation, Lisa Everman (317-988 -6375) is in charge of bus drivers, bus routes, and schedules. The bus driver must maintain his/her own discipline on the bus. When a referral is turned into the office, it is acted upon by the assistant principal. Caregivers are informed by phone, writing, or both, as to what action has been taken.
Typically, a first referral results in the child missing recess, eating lunch in an isolated area, and writing a letter to the driver or a paragraph about correct bus behavior. It may be a suspension from the bus also.
The second referral carries a suspension from the bus for 1 – 5 days, depending on the infraction, in addition to the same consequences as the first referral.
A third referral suspends the student from the bus for 3-5 days, depending on the infraction, in addition to the same consequences as the second referral.
For a fourth referral, the student is suspended from the bus for 5 days. The student may ride the bus again only after a plan has been made and a meeting with a transportation staff member and a school official.
The fifth referral could result in a suspension of a student from the bus for the remainder of the school year.
Changing this consequence plan is at the discretion of the school administrator, based on the severity of the student’s behavior. At the beginning of the school year, each student will receive a copy of the bus conduct rules. Parents and students are reminded that riding the bus is a privilege and not a right.
It will be necessary to notify the office in writing, in advance, and/or advise the teacher in writing if there is to be a change in the transportation of your child. If you need to call in a transportation change, this call must be received in our once prior to 1:30. If no notification is received, the student will follow his/her regular method of getting home. In addition, students will not be called to the office for dismissal. If you need to pick your child up, call the office prior to 1:45 and your child will dismiss with the car riders. NO students will be dismissed from the office after 1:45. These practices are in place for the safety of our students and we appreciate your help in keeping all of our students safe.
Here Comes the Bus
Here Comes the Bus is an easy-to-use website and mobile device app that enables caregivers to view the real-time location of their child’s school bus on a computer, tablet or smartphone. In addition, email alerts and push notifications help caregivers send their students to the bus stop at just the right time.
This application can be viewed on any smartphone (Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, etc.), by entering the student’s ID and an account number provided by the school district. Get started using and use School Code 756326
Car Rider Safety Rules
A.M. Car Riders
- Please do not drop o your child before 7:15 a.m., when the bell rings for the start of school.
- Please drive around the south end parking lot and let your child out of the car at the curb by the library door when staff opens the door for students to enter. Do not let them out in the bus loading zone in front of the school, the daycare loading area, or anywhere in the parking lot. Once the buses have exited the front unloading zone, staff may open that area up for additional dropoff spaces for our car riders. Please watch the staff for directions on dropoff locations.
- If you wish to enter the building, please park in the south parking lot and walk to the front entrance. No visitors will be permitted to enter any entrance other than the main offce entrance.
- If your child arrives after the 7:30 a.m. tardy bell, they will need to enter the front doors and go directly to class. If it is 7:40 a.m. or later they will report to the office to get a tardy pass.
P.M. Car Riders
- You should be in line to pick up your child by dismissal time, which will begin at 2:15.
- Please drive around the south end parking lot and pick up your child at the curb. Students are not allowed to walk across the parking lot.
- Because of safety concerns, we encourage you not to park in the parking lot and walk across to get your child.
- At 2:40, all children who have not been picked up will be taken into the office. You will then need to enter the building through the front doors and sign them out.
Change of Address/Phone
Please notify the front office (988-6400) of changes in address or phone numbers as soon as possible. Accurate records are important so that the school can notify parents in case of an emergency.
Classroom Visitations
Caregivers are always welcome to visit their child’s classroom. An appointment is necessary for your classroom visit. Classroom visits are not a time for caregivers/teacher conferences. Contacting the teacher, principal, or assistant principal in advance is recommended if you would like to schedule a conference. All visitors must report to the office, sign in using our Safe Visitor System, this requires identification, and receive an identification tag. Teachers will be notified that a visitor is on the way to their classroom. It is not permitted to videotape children in classrooms or record teachers without permission. As a guest, please be sure you receive a visitor check-in list from the office.
Clinic and Medication
Chapelwood has a full time nurse on duty, Julie Malloy. She is available each day for health counseling with students, caregivers, and teachers. The nurse is responsible for conducting vision screenings for 1st, 3rd, & 5th grades each school year. The nurse is also responsible for reporting immunization statistics for all students.
Illness and Injury
If your child becomes seriously ill or injured at school, we will make the student comfortable and call you immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact the emergency numbers you have listed on the enrollment form. Please provide the name and phone numbers of two (2) adults, other than caregivers, that can be reached during the school day. If these numbers change, please let us know right away. Children with a fever of 100 or greater, are vomiting, or have diarrhea must leave school and stay home from school until those symptoms are gone for at least 24 hours without the use of medication.
Immunization Records
When any child enrolls in a school corporation, for the first time or any subsequent time, their families must show that the child has been immunized or that a current religious or medical objection is on file. Minimum immunization requirements for all children enrolled in kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 Grade 4 and Grade 5:
- 5 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DtaP), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP), or pediatric diphtheria tetanus vaccine (DT), or 4 doses are acceptable if the fourth dose was administered on or after the 4th birthday;
- 4 doses of either oral polio vaccine (OPV) or inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), and any combination, or three doses of all OPV or all IPV are acceptable if the third dose was administered on or after the 4th birthday;
- 2 measles, mumps, and rubella (German Measles);
- 2 Hepatitis A;
- 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.
- 2 doses of Varicella (chicken pox). History of chickenpox disease is acceptable as proof of immunity. A written statement from the Doctor or Parent/Guardian indicating dates of disease and signed is the documentation needed. Minimum Immunization Requirements for all children enrolled in Grade 6:
- 5 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DtaP), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP), or pediatric diphtheria tetanus vaccine (DT), or 4 doses are acceptable if the fourth dose was administered on or after the 4th birthday;
- 4 doses of either oral polio vaccine (OPV) or inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), and any combination, or three doses of all OPV or all IPV are acceptable if the third dose was administered on or after the 4th birthday;
- 2 doses of MMR
- 2 Hepatitis A
- 2 doses of Varicella
- 1 dose of Tdap
- 1 dose of MCV4
- 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.
*Failure to provide these immunizations may lead to the exclusion of your child from school.
Medication guidelines are consistent with Indiana Law and are intended to provide assistance for a safe, effective program of medication administration for students while they are at school. All medications sent to school must be in the original containers. Authorization for administration of medication form must be filled out by a caregiver and must accompany all prescription and non-prescription medications. This form can be found in the enrollment folder or in the clinic.
Bed Bugs
Cimex lectularius, commonly known as bed bugs, is an invasion of a special type of bug. Bed bugs do not have wings and can’t fly or jump. Bed bugs lurk in cracks and crevices (ex. Under and on the sides of mattresses) and they've been living on human blood for centuries. Though they aren't known to transmit diseases or pose any serious medical risk, the stubborn parasites can leave itchy and unsightly bites. Since bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, students should not be excluded from school due to bed bugs.
Students may be screened periodically by the school nurse as needed. Jackets, clothing, backpacks, and shoes may be inspected or laundered depending upon each individual case. Parents will be notified and educated regarding prevention and treatment.
Head Lice
What are head lice? Head lice are small parasitic insects adapted to living mainly on the scalp and neck hairs of their human host. Head lice are equal opportunity parasites; they do not respect socio-economic class distinctions. Their presence does not connote a lack of hygiene or sanitation practiced by their host. They cannot fly or jump-only crawl.
Head lice are mainly acquired by direct head-to-head contact with an infested person’s hair, but may infrequently be transferred with shared combs, hats and other hair accessories. They may also remain on bedding or upholstered furniture for a brief period. Children are more frequently infested than are adults, and Caucasians more frequently than other ethnic groups.
Do head lice cause harm? Head lice rarely (if ever) cause direct harm, and they are not known to transmit infectious agents from person-to-person. Thus, they should not be considered as a medical or a public health problem. Lice may occasionally be burdensome because of annoyance; their presence may cause itching and loss of sleep.
Should children be sent home from school with head lice? The discovery of lice or their eggs on the hair should not cause the child to be sent home or isolated. Furthermore, treatment is not indicated if the infestation is not active. Although lice and their eggs may be seen without the help of magnifying devices, the viability of the eggs cannot be judged without magnification and a degree of training.
Because head lice is generally misdiagnosed, and because no illnesses are known to result from an infestation, the practice of excluding presumably infested children from school is unwarranted.
How are head lice acquired? Head lice are acquired from other infested people. Upon learning of their child’s infestation, caregivers frequently seek to ascribe blame. This “knee-jerk” reaction is understandable but unproductive. The offending lice came from some other person, but it is not currently possible to determine the identity of the donor. Caregivers are encouraged to focus their energies on education and treatment rather than on unsuccessful witch-hunts.
What methods can be used to treat the infestation? Treatment should be considered only when active lice or viable eggs are observed. First, ensure that a correct diagnosis/identification has been made before considering treatment options. Several options exist to eliminate the infestation, but some are better tested than others. Success will likely depend on an integrated approach. See your school nurse or health care professional for treatment options.
Should everyone in the home be treated? Only those with live lice or viable eggs should be treated. Each person (adults as well as children) within the home should be inspected to determine if live lice are present. All those found to be infested should be treated simultaneously.
What should be cleaned? Washing and drying (with heat) pillowcases, sheets, nightclothes, towels, and stued animals may possibly eliminate lice and eggs that might otherwise reinfest a family member. Combs, brushes, hats, and other hair accessories in contact with an infested person should be washed in hot water each day to dislodge any lice and nits.
Good communication between home and school is vital to a successful school experience for each child. In order to communicate vital information to caregivers, our teachers use Friday or Monday Folders or program apps. (i.e. ClassDojo, ParentSquare). Completed work, notices, and sign-ups will be sent in these folders. Because so much information is contained in the folders, it is important for you to impress upon your child that you need to see the folder each week. Please take the time to review the information each week with your child. School newsletters will be sent home each month via caregiverSquare. Each teacher has a telephone, voicemail, caregiverSquare and email. Students, only in the case of an emergency, will use phones. Arrangements for after school activities should be made before coming to school.
Chapelwood has a tremendous amount of technology available for student use. Please check your enrollment folder for an Internet Use Policy. Students who break the Internet Use Policy may lose computer privileges. Computers are to be used for educational purposes only. Misuse of technology could result in the student being enrolled in a digital citizenship course or after-school detention. Misuse includes but is not limited to recording others, bypassing firewall securities, downloading unauthorized apps, misuse of cameras, etc. Devices should not be used for social media, video chats, or any other non-educational task. In the case a device is misused, administration reserves the right to have the device taken from the student and assign appropriate consequences. In the event of a damaged device, students who are the owners of the device are responsible for any charges or repairs needing to be made or incurred.
Chapelwood Elementary sets a goal each school year to conference with 100% of our parents during the October Family/Teacher/Student Conferences. When conferences are scheduled, it is important to keep your conference time and participate in the discussion with your child and his/her teacher.
If the need arises for you to conference with your child’s teacher, please feel free to contact him/her. You can call or send a note with your child for your specific request. Please include suggestions for convenient times for you. This will assist the teacher in establishing a mutually acceptable time for both of you. Remember that teachers cannot always make calls during the day until children are dismissed. The teacher will respond to your request as soon as possible.
Discipline/Student Expectations
Students are expected to follow the CHAMPS Creed:
C – Character
H – Honesty
A – Always positive
M – Mutual respect and responsibility
P – Perseverance
S – Self-Discipline
These guidelines are the school’s expectations for student behavior. We will continue the use of our School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan. Students will be recognized for their efforts toward being a good citizen and for displaying positive behavior on a consistent basis. Students will earn CHAMPS Bucks. These bucks can then be used to shop at our CHAMPS Store for items and experiences. Teachers can also recognize outstanding student behavior by awarding them with Champion Level Leader Positive Behavior Rewards. Staff award these to students for excellent behavior, hard work, or going out of their way to be kind and polite to others. When a student earns a Champion Level Leader Positive Behavior Reward, their name will be read during morning announcements and they will get to choose a special reward.
When a student misbehaves, action taken is dependent on the severity of the offense. The 4 Level Discipline System is used for student management.
Level 1: At Level 1, student behavior will be addressed through the classroom behavior plan. Teachers are expected to contact parents if Level 1 behaviors persist. Some options for addressing behavior at this level include a timeout, turning a card, a student and teacher conference, loss of recess or other privileges, a phone call home, a mark of of the student’s citizenship grade, and other options.
Level 2: Students will serve a 15-20 minute timeout in another teacher’s classroom and a Level 2 form will be sent home. During the timeout, the student should reflect upon what they did and what they could have done differently. Teachers may choose to call caregivers and notify them of the Level 2 behavior.
Level 3: At Level 3, the student will be referred to talk to a case manager about their behavior. A case manager can be another teacher, a counselor, or an administrator. Once the case manager has spoken with the student they will attempt to contact the student’s caregovers via notice home, a phone call, or email.
Level 4: Level 4 student behavior will result in an office referral to school administration. Possible consequences for Level 4 behavior are at the administrator’s discretion and could include a conference, “in school suspension”, “out of school suspension”, or a recommendation for expulsion. Caregivers will be called and notified when their students receive Level 3’s and 4’s. If that is not possible, written notification is used. Please sign and return the written forms.
Please take the time to read the MSD of Wayne Township Student Code of Conduct. Chapelwood will not tolerate fighting, bullying, disrespect toward others, obscene gestures or language, or destruction of school property. This includes behavior that injures or presents a risk of injury to the student or another person, or provoking or attempting to provoke or cause another person to fight. Harassing, bullying, threatening, hazing, or intimidating another person is unwelcome behavior that interferes with a victim’s ability to learn or derive benefit from a school activity that is directed toward the victim after the victim (or another person on the victim’s behalf) has stated or shown that the behavior is unwelcome. Students who interfere with the learning process will be dealt with in a way that allows learning to continue for others. Student discipline is the joint responsibility of the school and home. Parental support for good behavior and discipline enables us to maintain a safe and productive environment for learning.
Chapelwood Elementary School Anti-Bullying Contract
The Chapelwood School Community is committed to making our school a safe and caring environment for all students. We will treat each other with respect and refuse to accept bullying of any kind.
Bullying is defined as acts by anyone in the school community by themselves or with others with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm someone else. Bullying behaviors include the following:
- Hurting someone physically by hitting, kicking, tripping, or pushing
- Stealing or damaging another person’s things
- Ganging up on someone
- Teasing someone in a hurtful way
- Using put-downs, such as insulting someone’s race or making fun of someone for being a boy or a girl
- Touching or showing private body parts
- Spreading rumors or untruths about someone
- Leaving someone out on purpose, or trying to get other kids not to play with someone
To prevent bullying, Chapelwood students will:
- Treat each other respectfully and try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out
- Refuse to bully others
- Refuse to let others be bullied or bully you
- Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied
- Report all bullying to an adult. Never keep it a secret.
To prevent bullying and help children feel safe at school, teachers and staff at Chapelwood will:
- Closely supervise students in all areas of the school and playground.
- Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens.
- Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports using the Four-A-Response process ( Affirm Feelings, Ask Questions, Assess Safety, and Act by coaching the child on what to do in the future).
- Look into all reported bullying incidents.
Violation of the Anti-Bullying Policy
Depending on the severity and nature of the incident, Chapelwood will take one or more of the following steps when bullying occurs:
Intervention, Warning, and Redirection
A teacher, principal, or staff member will demand that the immediate behavior stops and reinforce to the student that bullying will not be tolerated. During this meeting with the student, the staff member will redirect the student and come up with a plan for success, in case they find themselves in a similar situation in the future.
Notification of Caregivers
School staff will notify the caregivers of involved students. The caregivers might be asked to meet with the principal or other members of the school staff, including the student’s teacher and/or the school counselor.
Resolution with the Target of the Bullying
The student may be required to write a letter of apology to the student who was bullied. Depending upon the nature of the incident, the students involved may meet to help resolve the problem and ensure it does not happen again.
Referral to Professional School Support Staff
The student may meet with the school counselor to help prevent future violations.
The student may serve one or more days of detention during recess, or lose school privileges.
In cases of severe or repeated bullying, the student may be suspended under school board policies.
CAREGIVERS and STUDENTS: Sign the caregiver/student contract. Please cut along the dotted line and send the contract portion back to the teacher.
Chapelwood Anti-Bullying Caregiver/Student Contract
I, ___________________, promise that I will do my best to keep our school a safe and caring place. This means that I will:
- Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
- Resolve disagreements with other students peacefully.
- Never tease, hurt, name-call, or bully another student.
- Refuse to join in if I see someone else being bullied.
- Ask for help from an adult if I am bullied or see someone else being bullied.
Student’s Signature
Caregiver Signature
Early Dismissal
Students will not be released to anyone who is not listed on his/her enrollment form unless prior written notice is given to the school. If you are picking up your child early, please do so before 1:45 and have a valid picture ID available to show school staff. In this way, we can avoid the classroom disruptions during the critical last half-hour of the day when students and teachers are summarizing their day’s work and planning for the next day. We will not hold the buses for a student to be taken off unless it is a dire emergency.
Emergency School Closings
It may become necessary to close school due to inclement weather or emergency situations. As a practice, instruction is offered and schools are kept open as long as a learning environment can be maintained. Should it become necessary to close school for any reason, the following procedures will apply:
- Announcements will be made on the following radio and television stations: WMYS/1430; WIBC/1070; WNDE/1260; WFMS/99.5; WTLC/105.7; WZPL/99.5; WTTV 4; WRTV 6; WISH 8; WTHR 13; WXIN 59.
- Announcements are also made through social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, ParentSquare, etc.).
- Announcements will state the reasons for the school closing. If the closing results in an evacuation, the announcement would state where the children have been taken and what parents should do.
When watching for delays, please look for Wayne Township Schools . In the event of a two-hour delay, the school will start at 9:30 am. Students may begin arriving at school at 9:15 am. If they are dropped o early you will be called and asked to come to pick them up. Make sure your child is aware of the special arrangements in the event of an emergency closing. Please do not call the school to obtain information. We will need to keep the phone lines free.
It is important that the enrollment forms remain up-to-date; any changes, such as an address, phone number, parent work numbers, emergency numbers, or emergency contact people should be reported to the offce right away. Please make attempts to teach your child his/her address and phone number. There should be two (2) current emergency phone numbers listed. Please notify the office and your child’s teacher that you are moving so we can prepare the necessary information and bring records up to date. When you are moving to another school, all library books, technology devices, and textbooks must be returned.
Field Trips
Classrooms and grade levels often take field trips as part of the curriculum. No child will be able to go without a signed caregiver permission slip. Caregivers who pass a background check may be asked by the teacher to chaperone field trips; however, younger siblings may not accompany the caregiver on the trip. Students who pose a potential safety risk may not be allowed to attend field trips without a caregiver attending with them. Caregivers MUST ride school transportation with their child on field trips. Caregivers are not allowed to meet the class at the field trip location.
Fire/Tornado Drills
Monthly fire and tornado drills are necessary for the safety of the students, staff, and faculty. Everyone should know the specific directions for reaching a point of safety from those areas of the school building in which he/she may be. Specific information is posted in each area. Order and speed are essential during these drills. These drills are practiced monthly in order to ensure student safety.
Food to School
Grading Scale
Homework is a part of each student’s educational program. Students may be expected to spend some time on homework in addition to scheduled class instruction to achieve proficient work. Homework reinforces skills taught in the classroom, increases the student’s success on achievement tests, gives practice in developing good work habits, offers opportunities for students to learn to budget their time wisely, and provides an opportunity for parent involvement, and responsibility.
Homework Help Ideas
- Provide your child with suitable study conditions free from distractions (well-lit desk or table, books, supplies).
- Reserve a time for homework, and firmly adhere to a daily schedule.
- Show an interest in what your child is doing, but do not do the work for him/her.
- Set a good example for your child.
- Limit the amount of time your child watches television, plays video games, plays outside, and plays games on the computer.
- Make reading at least 30 minutes a day a habit.
- Drill Math Facts
- Choose good books, and keep books handy.
- Encourage your child to do his/her best!
If your child is absent, you can request missed assignments. Work missed due to an excused absence must be made up within a reasonable amount of time.
Honor Roll
The following guidelines will be used to determine Honor Roll:
- First, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students will participate in Honor Roll.
- All grades will count toward the Honor Roll. (Special Class grades will be used at semester when they are given at each semester end).
- Students with all A’s will be on the “A” Honor Roll.
- Students with A’s and B’s will be on the “A-B” Honor Roll.
Instructional Program
Chapelwood Elementary is organized to include Kindergarten through Grade 6. There are self-contained classrooms for grades K-4th and content specialized rotations for grades 5 and 6th. However, the self-contained organization may be modified in order to group for instruction and team teaching.
The curriculum includes the following: language arts (reading, English, listening, speaking, spelling), mathematics, social studies, science, social-emotional, computer science, music, physical education, and art. Instruction is enhanced with the availability of computers to assist students in each of the subject areas.
The emphasis on the curriculum is the Indiana State Standards. Units and lessons are organized to give students the opportunity to meet and exceed the standards set forth by the state of Indiana. The standards are rigorous and expectations for student achievement are high.
Money to School
When sending money to the school, please put it in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher’s name, amount of money, and the purpose of money written on the outside of the envelope. The school will investigate lost or stolen money but does not take responsibility for refunding the money or purchasing replacement items.
Parking in front of the school, in the bus lanes, or handicapped space is not permitted at any time. Parking in these areas could result in a fine and/or towing of your vehicle. Please use the parking lot on the south side of the building. Families are not allowed to park in neighborhoods or church parking lots located near the school. Follow the parking procedures. Failure to do so could result in a fine or your car being towed at your expense.
Prohibited Items
Certain items have no place in school and are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to: gum, candy, tobacco products, vapes, alcohol, non-prescribed medication, handheld games, weapons and toys which resemble weapons. In addition, hats and hoods are to be removed prior to students entering the building. If they are not removed, they may be confiscated. If these items are confiscated they are kept at the office. If a caregiver does not claim the item by the end of the quarter, the items are given to a local agency or destroyed. If a student brings an item to school such as a cell phone, hand-held game, etc. and loses or misplaces it, the teachers and administrators are not responsible for these items.
Wireless Communication Device Guidance
Students will leave personal wireless communication devices at home or secure silenced, personal WCDs in a backpack during the school day. Cell phones/electronics will be confiscated if they become a distraction to the educational environment. A cell phone can be then returned to the child at the end of the day or a caregiver will be contacted to come and pick up the device. The school and the MSD of Wayne Township are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
M.S.D. of Wayne Township’s comprehensive wireless communication device (WCD) guidance is designed to foster a productive learning environment while encouraging overall development for all students. Embracing the prevalent role of technology in modern society, we aim to build a balance between leveraging electronic devices for educational purposes with minimal disruption in the classroom and fostering essential collaborative and social-emotional skills.
Aligned with the developmental stages of our students as they progress through grade levels, this guidance gradually releases responsibility to them, recognizing their increasing maturity and capacity for self-regulation.
The usage of personal wireless communication devices (WCDs), such as cell phones, earbuds, tablets, laptops, gaming devices, and wearable technology, will be regulated during instructional time. Students are expected to bring their district-issued communication devices (iPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class. Personal WCDs are prohibited unless approved by the teacher while they are in the learning environment/classroom.
In some very unique situations, students with identified disabilities may have a need to keep a personal WCD with them during the school day. These situations are approved at the discretion of the case conference committee and will only be considered when necessary to meet specific, documented needs in unusual circumstances.
At any point during the school day (especially in an emergency), caregivers can call the main office line of the school to communicate any necessary information. Additionally, caregivers are encouraged to utilize the student’s district-issued email for communication purposes.
At the elementary level, where foundational skills are cultivated and social norms are established, electronic device usage is restricted to educational purposes under the supervision of teachers. This is intended to emphasize digital citizenship, focus on responsible device usage, and lay the groundwork for collaborative learning and the development of social-emotional skills.
K-6th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (iPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-6) to class daily. Students will leave personal WCDs at home or secure silenced, personal WCDs in a backpack during the school day.
As students transition to Chapel Hill or Lynhurst 7th & 8th Grade Centers, students are granted increased autonomy with their devices, allowing them to be utilized for educational purposes during designated times while still adhering to classroom guidelines. This stage emphasizes the importance of self-regulation, appropriate technology use in academic settings, and the cultivation of collaborative skills through academic and social peer-to-peer interactions.
7th-8th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (IPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class daily. Students will secure silenced, personal WCDs in a backpack or locker during the school day.
Ben Davis High School Ninth Grade Center is uniquely positioned to onboard students to credit-bearing courses while supporting students as they transition to the rest of the high school experience.
9th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (IPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class daily. Students will secure silenced, personal WCDs in a backpack or locker unless used during passing periods and lunch. Recording devices must not be used inappropriately, and unauthorized recordings may lead to disciplinary action. At no time are students to take a picture or video of an individual during the school day without the permission of that individual or the school, unless directed to do so by a teacher as part of the curriculum or for use in a school publication. Devices are not to be out for any reason in any area where there is an expectation of privacy (i.e. locker room, bathroom).
By the time students reach Ben Davis High School or Ben Davis University High School, they are expected to demonstrate a high level of responsibility and maturity in managing their electronic device usage. While devices are permitted for educational purposes, students are entrusted with greater freedom to utilize them responsibly, preparing them for the realities of the digital world of higher education and the workforce.
10th-12th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (IPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class daily. WCDs are not allowed in the classroom (outside of previously mentioned exceptions); WCDs are allowed in non-classroom areas if they do not disrupt the school environment. Recording devices must not be used inappropriately, and unauthorized recordings may lead to disciplinary action. At no time are students to take a picture or video of an individual during the school day without the permission of that individual or the school, unless directed to do so by a teacher as part of the curriculum or for use in a school publication.Devices are not to be out for any reason in any area where there is an expectation of privacy (i.e. locker room, bathroom).
Consequences for students are included below as a suggested path towards building a balance between leveraging electronic devices for educational purposes with minimal disruption in the classroom and fostering essential collaborative and social-emotional skills.
- 1st offense: Verbal warning, caregiver contacted by teacher
- 2nd offense: Classroom documentation with caregiver contact by teacher
- 3rd offense: Offense referral, caregiver/student conference with administrator
- 4th offense: Offense referral, device confiscated and returned to student
- 5th offense: Offense referral, student consequence not resulting in missed instruction, device confiscated and returned to caregiver
- 6th offense and beyond: Offense referral, device confiscated and returned to caregiver with progressive consequences
Throughout this developmental continuum, our comprehensive electronic device guidance not only empowers students with essential digital literacy skills but also fosters collaboration, communication, and social-emotional growth. By integrating technology into the learning process in a purposeful and responsible manner, we endeavor to cultivate well-rounded individuals equipped to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. M.S.D. of Wayne Township appreciates your support in maintaining a learning environment that fosters engagement, collaboration, and the holistic development of every student.
If students or caregivers have questions regarding this guidance, please contact an administrator in your school
Report Cards/Midterms
Report cards will be issued to students at the close of each nine-week grading period. Report cards contain academic grades and a conduct assessment. Attendance is reported on the report card. Report cards need to be signed and returned to the classroom teacher. Electronic progress reports are available to all caregivers. In addition, caregivers may set up a Skyward account to view their student’s grades anytime. Contact the front office to get more information about these online opportunities.
School Hours
School opens at 7:15 am. Please do not drop off your child before 7:15 a.m., when the bell rings for the start of school. Promptness to class is very important. Students should be in their class and ready to work at 7:30 am. If students arrive after 7:30 am, they need to check in at the office to receive a pass to class, an ADULT must escort them to the office to check-in. Students who are tardy cannot earn perfect attendance. For students who walk or are auto riders, we ask that they do not arrive before 7:15 when the building opens and adult supervision begins.
We will begin unloading cars at 7:15. We will form 2 lines in the back of the south end parking lot. Move to a single file line at the end of the parked cars. Please go every other car when moving from double line to a single line. Please help us ensure the safety of all by following the guidelines DO: -Follow the flow of traffic. Pull as far forward as possible when in the Drop Off Zone (curb-side). Drop off only when curb-side for safety. Make sure your child is ready to exit the car promptly. Refrain from cell phone use and have all papers signed, and money ready. Stay in line; do not attempt to pass others. Follow the directions of school staff on duty. Be patient and kind to our staff members. They are working hard to keep your kids safe.
Families are not allowed to park in neighborhoods or church parking lots located near the school. Follow the car rider procedures. Failure to do so could result in a fine or your car being towed at your expense.
Students will be dismissed beginning at 2:20 in the following order: Kindergarten, auto riders, walkers, YMCA, and remaining bus riders. We will form 2 lines in the back of the south end parking lot. Move to single file line at the end of the parked cars. Please go every other car when moving from double line to a single line. Please help us ensure the safety of all by following the guidelines DO: -Follow the flow of traffic. Pull as far forward as possible when in the Pick Up Zone (curb-side). Refrain from cell phone use. Stay in line; do not attempt to pass others. Follow the directions of school staff on duty. Be patient and kind to our staff members. They are working hard to keep your kids safe. At Pick Up – Have the student name clearly written and clearly posted in the windshield for staff to read. Families are not allowed to park in neighborhoods or church parking lots located near the school. Follow the car rider procedures. Failure to do so could result in a fine or your car being towed at your expense.
Office Hours
The office is open from 7:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
Students should arrive at school and get to class on time. If a student is late due to a late bus, he/she is not counted tardy. A late student must receive a pass from the office and should have a written excuse from a parent. Parents are asked to not walk their child(ren) to classrooms. Students with excessive tardiness may be subject to disciplinary action or a referral to Wayne Township Truancy Court. Students who arrive tardy to school keep the class from earning perfect attendance rewards. Also, arriving tardy will cause students to miss their intervention time or special area classes, as well as important instruction. You will be contacted by the school if your child has excessive tardiness.
Perfect Attendance
Student Code of Conduct
Student Dress Guidelines
- Clothing is to be clean, neat, safe, appropriate, and must not create a distraction to the learning environment.
- Clothing is not to attract undue attention.
- Footwear must be worn. Slippers are not allowed.
- Good grooming and personal cleanliness are to be practiced at all times.
- Hats and coats may not be worn during the school day. Hats must be removed prior to students entering the building.
- Students may not wear clothing with inappropriate writing, pictures, or drawings.
- Clothes, which promote drug use, alcohol, violence, or are sexual in nature, may not be worn.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses are to be of appropriate length.
- The midriff must be covered.
- No sagging pants or pajama pants. Should a child not have a belt or refuses to keep his/her pants around his/her waist, the school will provide an alternative to keep the pants at the students waist.
Caregivers will be called and asked to provide appropriate clothing should a child come to school dressed inappropriately according to these guidelines. If the caregiver cannot bring proper attire, the student will be required to wear any clothing the nurse may have available.
Student Teachers
Chapelwood, at times, will accept student teachers to work with our staff and students. Your child benefits by having another adult to help him/her in the classroom. If your child is in a class with a student teacher, the student teacher will contact you to introduce him/herself. All student teachers must pass a background check.